Turkish Straits System

Ali Aydoğdu' Home Page

I hold a PhD in physical oceanography from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC; Bologna) on data assimilation (DA) in regional and coastal scales. I studied variational and ensemble DA techniques as well as observation network design methodologies (OSE/OSSE). I had my post-doc at Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC; Bergen) on ensemble-based data assimilation techniques using adaptive moving mesh models with applications on Arctic sea-ice. I visited NCAR within the visitor programme of CISL before starting my current position as a research scientist at CMCC where I coordinate data assimilation activities in regional and coastal scales including Mediterannean and Black Sea MFSs involved in CMEMS MFCs. I took part in several European projects including SESAME, MyOcean and JERICO as well as DASIM and REDDA in collaboration with US. I am a member of the OceanPredict data assimilation task team (DA-TT). I teach at the Università di Bologna in data assimilation.

Languages: Turkish, English, Italian